Services & activities:

Please contact us for project discussions or more information.

Exploration & development

  • Highlighting the next best areas and zones for subsurface resource potential utilizing wells, outcrops, geophysical surveys, and beyond

  • Services include reservoir characterization, asset evaluation, and prospecting


  • Providing comprehensive support and domain expertise for actively drilling operators

  • Services include subsurface support/advisory, operations management, and geosteering

Field trips & research

  • Field trips for companies, organizations, and research

  • Topics focus on visualizing the subsurface reality of drilling and completions along with geology, history, and energy in general

Recent focus:

While IRR works on a variety of projects, we have significant current involvement and expertise in the topics below.

San Juan Basin Mancos-Niobrara

Williston Basin redevelopment

Alternative power & fueling (LNG!)